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What if Your Social Media Got You Leads?


There was a time in digital marketing when one of the most important goals of social media participation seemed to be developing large followings. If we want to be honest, some of us bought likes, tried to game Twitter or YouTube.

This seemed rational, I mean, everybody knows you need a vast email database, why not a big Instagram following. In fact, social media marketing analytical services like Klout are trying to use follower metrics to measure digital influence and thus create scorecards for individuals building and pursuing influencer status.

End the following and begin listening, organizing, engaging and communicating. Emphasis the social streams of your consumers and newest prospects. Eradicate the noise out of social media and get your social media channels to a place where they can be valuable.

One way to know how well you’re listening is how people receive your content.

Writing influential social media copy to grasp folks’ attention and win over their hearts is a tough task. And time and again, when our social media content isn’t breaking through the racket we can repair it with a few slight revisions and tweaks.

Editing marketing content and copy is a crucial part of the creative development but is often ignored. In this blog, I’d love to share content marketing tips and tricks to support you in taking your company’s social media content to another level.

Build interest


Creating curiosity is an extremely powerful method to help improve your marketing copy (particularly if you’re trying to get folks to click on and take part in your website or social media posts).

In its meekest terms, interest is triggered when individuals feel there is a break between what people know and what folks want to know. Buffer.com recently wrote an article where they quoted a Professor of Economics and Psychology, after he led a study into what activates high levels of interest and discovered that it mounts when:

  •     Something interrupts our expectations (often curiosity is triggered by a thought-provoking common beliefs)
  •     Teases a gap in our knowledge (Also known as the, the “information gap”)
  •     It’s not ruined (interest can get someone to click a attention-grabbing title, but it won’t keep users on your website forever)

Treat each social media post as its own story

Stories are a particularly good way to connect with folks. Stories attract readers in and involve them. And when it comes to scripting social media copy, an awesome trick is to treat each post as it’s own story with its own characters who carry out actions.

Here at TMN we recognize our audience tends to be fascinated in becoming better business owners and figuring out how they can benefit from the use of social media marketing to attract more web traffic, backlinks, and consumers to their business.

Emphasis the reader

When you’re producing social media content, you are going to face very stiff competition for user attention. Associates, family, celebs, other businesses and more are all competing for your prospect’s consideration on social media networks. If you’d like to be one of the brands that stand out and be seen, it’s vital to craft your social media content with the reader at the center of mind.


Write copy in second person

Excellent social media copy communicates to readers on a warm and personal level. And second person is the most appealing narrative to write copy in because it feels special. Use words like “you,” “your,” and “yours” to help to connect with our fans.

Creating engaging, friendly marketing copy that entices social media users to take action is very hard to do, but thinking about copy in second person is a good place to start.

It isn’t easy to edit social media content to make it stand out. But with any luck, the extra mile, time and effort put into humanizing each post you share will be very well worth it.

Occasionally you’ll have to be a little callous and chop some marketing copy away. Other times all it may need is one exclamation, or an emoji to turn a social media post from okay to great and boost more clicks, engagement and dialogues.

As you can clearly see, social media isn’t going anywhere, so you should look at it no differently than any other sales channel. Remember, those who care, those who teach, those who deliver utility will win.

Nhora BarreraWhat if Your Social Media Got You Leads?

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