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What NOT to do with your Social Media


Getting in full swing with social media as a company can be rough, and understanding the protocol behind it isn’t much easier. The continuous evolution of social media can make it problematic to stay on top of trends, new tools, and best practices. Business owners who only seldom tap into these networks may find it difficult to identify and fully comprehend all of the nuances that act as unwritten rules for social media marketing.

When it comes to protocol, behavior and what not to do, it takes repetition to comprehend fully how these tips relate to your day-to-day social media marketing plan.

Don’t Discount Your Digital Reputation


Don’t Purchase LikeS and Followers

Don’t do the Auto DMs thing

Don’t Participate in Like-Baiting

Don’t Automate Content Across Platforms

Don’t Post Stuff Just to Post Stuff

Don’t Spam Your Community


With the social media scene constantly progressing, the do’s and don’ts for business owners will also continue evolving. Staying aware of wait not to do will keep your marketing efforts new and effective and your company top of mind.

It is not about IF businesses should use social media.  The question for most businesses is HOW to implement best a meaningful and appealing approach that generates leads.  With so many social media marketing possibilities available, your marketing team must also decide best practices and what strategies to sidestep.

Nhora BarreraWhat NOT to do with your Social Media

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