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The top 12 ways to increase web traffic

marketing-icon-Iconic GeniusWhat habitually comes after customers on a business’ wish list? More traffic to the website to get more customers of course!

There are many ways you can boost web traffic, and in today’s blog, we’re going to look at some of the best ways to drive traffic to your website.


1)      Make Sure Your Site is Swift

2)      Don’t Disregard Email Marketing

3)      Be Sure Your Website is Responsive

4)      Implement Schema Microdata

5)      Interview Other Industry Leaders

6)      Create Mouthwatering Headlines

7)      Stay On Top Of On-Page SEO

8)      Begin Guest Blogging

9)      Go Get Referral Traffic

10)   Aim For Long-Tail Keywords

11)   Post Good Content to LinkedIn

12)   Study the Competition

It’s easy to think boosting web traffic is impossible, or that it is easy, or that Google will simply figure out our websites. Nothing is further from the truth. The fact is, we have a lot of work to do.

Nhora BarreraThe top 12 ways to increase web traffic