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How women are changing the way brands do marketing

Women have the executive power when it comes to the way brands market. With over $11.2 trillion in spending, women account for 39% of all investable assets in the U.S., according to Harnessing the Power of the Purse: Female Investors and Global Opportunities for Growth, a report by the Center of Talent and Innovation.

Women make 80% of consumer purchase decisions, brands are taking notice but what about on the creative side? How are brands getting their marketing message to women?

Feminine experiences, such as understanding, flexibility, openness and teamwork are coming to the forefront, not just as nice-to-haves but as marketing essentials. Brands are focusing more on women marketers and marketing firms because the approach is different. Brands like Target, Hyatt, the NBA and a host of others have women heading their marketing, advertising or communications department.

Global brands are approaching branding and marketing messages with topics more contextually, interconnecting information, familiarities, facts, ideas, relationships, goals and dreams in a non-linear, web-like method.

The economic power is truly world-shattering, representing the largest marketing prospect in the world. Talk about missed chances! Businesses across the sphere are missing out on millions of dollars and the many opportunities for developing brand loyalty on the table. The companies that spend the time and funds to engage and understand the female user will claim those dollars and build a win-win situation with a long-term and loyal customer.

So how do you create compelling experiences?

  • In small and large ways, that make the customer feel understood.
  • Appreciate that the user’s journey is much bigger than just the purchase of a product or service.
  • When a purchaser is deciding on a product or service, they contemplate many other factors than just the bottom line.

Being conscious of these seemingly indirect marketing differences can make the difference between a buyer making a one-time purchase and evolving an on-going loyal connection with a brand.

Nhora BarreraHow women are changing the way brands do marketing