Our blog

15 Digital Marketing Tips that Generate Leads

Using operational tactics that boost your website traffic is the first step in accomplishing a variety of goals. Those goals could include, selling products and services, building brand awareness, position yourself and business as a thought leader or to connect and network.

Whatever the goals are, here are fifteen steps to gaining traffic that provides the visibility to engage and sell.

Share your post (including links to it) on Facebook
1. Build an email subscriber list from day one
2. Host a webinar (you can capture many emails when you run a webinar)
3. Create and publish great content
4. Make it easy for people to share your content with a Twitter retweet button
5. Ensure you have a LinkedIn sharing button (there are over 230 million users there)
6. Include a Google+ sharing button even if you don’t use it very much (over half a billion people there!)
7. Facebook sharing button is a must
8. Make it easy for people to share your content with a Tumblr sharing button
9. Provide an incentive for people to subscribe to your blog by offering a free ebook in exchange for their email address and name
10. Place the email subscriber box in a prominent position (top right or even in the top banner)
11. Include multiple locations for people to subscribe
12. Include an RSS feed option
13. Link to your blog from your YouTube videos and channel
14. Make your blog easy to read (this will keep them loyal and bring them back)
15. Write the best headlines you possibly can

We could go on with hundreds of other digital marketing tactics but we want to be sure not to overwhelm you. You may even be considering forgetting all of this and taking up drinking, don’t do it. We can help.

Learn more about how to drive traffic to your website now.

Nhora Barrera15 Digital Marketing Tips that Generate Leads