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Semana Santa: A Hispanic Holiday

In most Latin American countries where Roman Catholic is the predominant religion, Easter is one of the most celebrated holidays in the year. The observance of Easter lasts an entire week, referred as Semana Santa (Holy Week), starting with Domingo de Palmas (Palm Sunday) and ending with Domingo de Pascua (Easter Sunday). The celebration of Semana Santa represents an opportunity for Hispanics to achieve spiritual renewal, by attending mass and following Roman Catholics traditions or sacraments.

At the same time, Semana Santa is a time to travel with immediate and extended family members.  In Mexico, for example, it is common for employers shut down during Semana Santa so that families can travel to beach destinations within the country.  It is not uncommon to find an entire town or region on vacation.

From a social marketing perspective, Holy Week is a good opportunity to promote social messages related  to family values, personal improvement, and travel and traffic safety.

Photo source: http://www.burningwell.org

Nhora BarreraSemana Santa: A Hispanic Holiday

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